Trade Stock Alerts for 2022

stock alert results for 2022

As you know 2022 has not been the best of years in the stock market! However, our alerts have still performed well so far this year with averaging over 18% with our penny stock alerts.  Just like what was mentioned in 2021, it is best to use both the penny and day alerts together to maximize on the profits.   2022 ended up being one of the worst years in the stock market. 

December 2022 Results

Penny 25% Gain
Swing 1% Gain
Day -39% Loss

November 2022 Results

Penny 62% Gain
Swing -4% Loss
Day -34% Loss

October 2022 Results

Penny 42% Gain
Swing 9% Gain
Day 25% Gain

September 2022 Results

Penny -32% Loss
Swing -5% Loss
Day -22% Loss

August 2022 Results

Penny -1% Loss
Swing 15% Gain
Day 23% Gain

July 2022 Results

Penny 35% Gain
Swing 34% Gain
Day 3% Gain

June 2022 Results

Penny 41% Gain
Swing 7% Gain
Day 13% Gain

May 2022 Results

Penny -6% Loss
Swing -1% Loss
Day -19% Loss

April 2022 Results

Penny 3% Gain
Swing -6% Loss
Day 30% Gain

March 2022 Results

Penny 7% Gain
Swing 8% Gain
Day 29% Gain

February 2022 Results

Penny 44% Gain
Swing -4% Loss
Day -10% Loss

January 2022 Results

Penny 0% Gain
Swing -10% Loss
Day 23% Gain

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Penny Alerts

$ 49
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Swing & Penny Alerts

$ 69
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  • Daily & Monthly Stock Picks
  • Buy & Sell Same Time
  • 2022 Year - Over 250% Combined

Day, Swing, Penny Alerts

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  • 2022 Year - Over 280% Combined
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Day, Swing, Penny Alerts

Yearly Membership
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  • 2022 Year - Over 280% Combined
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